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Don't overthink it....sign this petition!

Hey Portland, let's pick up the trash.

Sometimes I think we overcomplicate

things. I know I do. I can get lost in the politics and policy and personalities....oh and the politeness of Portland politics (like that alliteration?)

But some things just aren’t that hard. Like keeping things clean. Like picking up after ourselves. Like getting trash and debris off our streets, parks, and sidewalks.

We were talking with the good folks at AdoptOneBlock about this and it became clear to us that we've overcomplicated this too.

The encouraging piece is that picking up trash isn't rocket science. This is the one thing we can do NOW that will have a significantly positive effect on our livability as a community.

In that spirit, RPC and AdoptOneBlock are coming together to ask folks to sign this petition...because that's not hard either:

Make your voice heard and a please help us spread the word.....just share this link:

Thank you.

- Erik Cole, Executive Director

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