City Endorsements
District 3 - Southeast / Northeast

Daniel DeMelo
Daniel DeMelo is an engineer and community organizer with leadership experience on various commissions. He advocates for private market-rate development and calls for better accountability in the use of public funds to address homelessness. DeMelo's proposals include offering incentives for city center development, reducing floor area ratios, and streamlining permitting processes. He sets himself apart from “housing first” approaches due to concerns about insurance costs associated with housing people with severe mental illness and addiction. With ambitious goals to shelter 50% of the homeless population within two years and 33% within three years, DeMelo emphasizes cost-effectiveness and safety. He also stresses the need to reduce shelter costs per bed and focus on reserving sites for the chronically homeless, while improving communication between the city and the business community. His approach centers on data-driven, accountable strategies for housing and homelessness solutions.

Steve Novick
Steve Novick is an experienced and policy-savvy leader with strong business connections, focused on addressing the city's housing crisis. He advocates for solutions such as building tiny houses and increasing housing development, particularly middle and market-rate housing. Novick has also highlighted the role of police in addressing addiction among the chronically unhoused and supports the use of deflection centers. He raises important concerns about city spending, homelessness solutions, and crime rates. Additionally, he emphasizes the need to resolve regulatory issues with the Bureau of Development Services (BDS) to facilitate more efficient housing development.